Convert your Audio Files into Moments

Parmonic now lets you transform long-form audio recordings into compelling content.

Step 1: Log in to your Parmonic account and click on ADD on the top-right corner of your screen. Click on the highlighted option.

Step 2: Upload the file as you would a video file

Step 3: Give your video a title, choose the transcript settings, customize the moments, and submit for processing. Your moments will be ready in a few minutes and your audio files will be converted to a video file.

Note that the new video will have a blank screen background. You can replace that with an image/slide or create a beautiful audiogram - see links below for additional help.

Upload an audio file longer than 2 minutes to ensure the AI has enough content to work with. There’s no limit to the maximum file length you can upload.

Helpful resources:

Audio file formats supported - MP3, Wav, ACC, M4A

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