Uploading Your First Video

Uploading video is step one of using any feature inside Parmonic. The best part?  It's very easy.

  1. Log in to Parmonic https://go.parmonic.com/

  1. Click on + ADD

3. Upload or Import

  1. You'll then be brought to this screen where you will drag & drop or browse to search for the file on your computer.

  • Your video will continue to upload while you add details and preferences in the next step.

5. Enter your video's title and language.


In the next few screens choose how you want the video to be processed.

1) Choose the transcript quality.

Note that your company's account must have Augmented AI credits to use Augmented transcripts. And your user account must have sufficient permissions to use Augmented AI credits.

2) On the next screen you can choose whether to have your video glamorized by the Parmonic team or keep the original. Click here to learn more about Glamorization.

3) The next screen gives you the ability to enhance the audio quality of the recording. You can instruct the AI to remove filler words (umms, aahs, etc.). These will be suppressed (muted).

4) In the last screen, you can submit the video for processing.

If you are using an Augmented AI credit you can add special requests related to the duration of moments or anything else (e.g. focus on topic A, focus on speaker B, focus on timestamp xyz, chapterize this video into n segments, etc.). Any requests that the AI can't handle are routed to our human team.

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