Organizing Your Parmonic Account

We all know staying organized is a big part of successful content management, to that end we've added several features sure to keep all your ducks in a row while using Parmonic.

Cloning is a way to create an exact copy of your upload, complete with transcript, Moments and trailer all in place.  It's a very handy way to take a singular upload and make it customizable for 2 or more audiences.  See how to Clone an upload here.

Workspaces offer you a way to keep different branding, different departments or even just different users or use cases (training, trying something new) separate to alleviate confusion.  Learn more about creating workspaces here.

Search Feature allows you to more quickly find an upload amongst the vast collection you'll surely soon amass.  Just look for the magnifying glass!  See a bit more about our Search Feature here.

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