Writer 101

Our Writer module can help you create readable content from videos.

Here are some fundamentals that can help you get the most value out of it -

Quite note: When you upload a video into Parmonic, our engine transcribes it and identifies the key topics & moments. The transcript, topics and moments are the basic building blocks that the Writer uses.

There are 4 attributes of readable content:

  • Ideas that need to be communicated
  • Format
  • Style
  • Structure

💡Ideas are the core content that needs to be communicated. These come from the video recording. These are the most important element of using our (or any) AI to write content.

There are two important considerations here -

  • Original ideas in the recording must be valuable and appealing.
  • Your and AI's perception of valuable ideas might differ.

Our engine finds the core, valuable ideas for you and lists them as Topics (and subtopics). We recommend you start by reviewing these. If the AI missed an idea that you consider valuable, you'll need to add that as part of a custom prompt.

📄Format can be of the following types -

  • Blog (or Article) format
  • Summary (shorter-form versions, Quick Reads)

💄Style refers to the writing style and the tone in particular. Some brands write in a more serious tone while others use a friendlier, casual tone. There's a good bit of subjectivity involved in it and people may use different adjectives to define similar tones. It is also possible to have a primary brand voice and secondary voices for sub-brands or target audiences.

🏠Structure refers to visual structure of the written content.

E.g. You may want a blog that has 5 sections each comprising of 2 paragraphs and each paragraph comprising of 4-5 lines of text plus 3 bullet points.

We have configured some defaults that work best for companies that communicate info-heavy knowledge but you have lots of control both at the overall content level as well as at a section/sentence level.

Example - you can choose a corporate style for the overall blog but rewrite a section in a different style.

Here are some ways you can use the Writer module

  1. Choose from the topics that our engine has recommended and use the default settings to get your blog. We suggest you start with this to understand what you will get out-of-the-box and whether you need further customization.
  2. Write a prompt (see our Prompt Guide) and apply that to the full transcript.
  3. Rewrite portions that are not up to the mark. You can change the style or the structure. Example - there might be a section which sounds too dry and you may want to rewrite it in a different tone. Or there might be a section that is too dense with lots of sentences and you may want to rewrite it into smaller paragraphs and with some easy-to-read bullet points.
  4. Add video moments in sections. While this is optional, some portions are best explained by including a video clip. This also makes your blogs more dynamic.
  5. For non-Blog use cases, use the Summary format. This is also a great format when you want to extract insights from the video to explore what new topics/content to write on.
  6. Generate a short piece on one or two interesting ideas instead of all the ideas and content covered in a video.

You may find that some portions of the output are factually correct but emotionally lacking. This is where humans still outshine AI. In cases like this, you may want to refer to corresponding portions of the transcript📝to decide how you want to convey those ideas.

You can make Writer auto-detect your style by providing samples of content written by you. You can do this by pasting up to five blog posts. You can also contact us if you'd like us to take your samples and do some finetuning for you.

Tip: there's a difference between Rewriting and Recreating.

Use the Recreate option to get brand-new version of the output.

Use the Rewrite version to finetune the output. You can Rewrite the entire output or individual sections/sentences.

We have put guardrails in place so that the Writer module only creates derivative content. This minimizes the risk that Writer will write things that were not in the original video. The benefit of this approach is that our Writer module does not hallucinate like other apps. The constraint of this approach is that if you want to add generic information from the Internet you will have to manually add that.

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