Prompt Guide

In the Writer module, you can type in additional instructions (prompts) to get custom outputs.

Prompt ideas -

Focus on a topic - describe the topic clearly


  • Include Dua Lipa's story where she talks about her personal journey in content marketing
  • Focus on topic A, B, C. Ignore topic D.

Rewrite in a specific tone

  • Rewrite this to make it more upbeat.
  • Rewrite this so the reader feels more motivated to take action.
  • Rewrite this in speaker A's tone (note this depends on transcript quality).
  • Mimic tone from sample.

Prompt: Adapt a tone similar to this text: [paragraph of text]

  • Rewrite by improving text quality using rhetorical devices

Prompt: Rewrite this explaining the concept using an analogy

Rewrite in a specific structure

  • Rewrite this as a list of action items.
  • Rewrite this as a list of (5) bullet points.
  • Rewrite this by making it shorter/longer.
  • Rewrite this so that each section has at most two paragraphs and each paragraph is not longer than 3-4 sentences.


Our Writer module (and AI/LLMs) are not good at handling vague instructions.


  1. If a section does not make sense, don't enter "This does not make sense." Instead be more verbose and mention what was wrong.
  2. Specific limits may not always work. Use prompts like "make it longer/shorter" instead of "make it two pages long".
  3. Don't ask questions of the Writer module in first person.

Bad prompt: "What about microbiology first attracted you to this field?"

Instead use: "Include a section on what about microbiology attracted speaker A to the field"

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