Prompt Guide
In the Writer module, you can type in additional instructions (prompts) to get custom outputs.
Prompt ideas -
Focus on a topic - describe the topic clearly
- Include Dua Lipa's story where she talks about her personal journey in content marketing
- Focus on topic A, B, C. Ignore topic D.
Rewrite in a specific tone
- Rewrite this to make it more upbeat.
- Rewrite this so the reader feels more motivated to take action.
- Rewrite this in speaker A's tone (note this depends on transcript quality).
- Mimic tone from sample.
Prompt: Adapt a tone similar to this text: [paragraph of text]
- Rewrite by improving text quality using rhetorical devices
Prompt: Rewrite this explaining the concept using an analogy
Rewrite in a specific structure
- Rewrite this as a list of action items.
- Rewrite this as a list of (5) bullet points.
- Rewrite this by making it shorter/longer.
- Rewrite this so that each section has at most two paragraphs and each paragraph is not longer than 3-4 sentences.
Our Writer module (and AI/LLMs) are not good at handling vague instructions.
- If a section does not make sense, don't enter "This does not make sense." Instead be more verbose and mention what was wrong.
- Specific limits may not always work. Use prompts like "make it longer/shorter" instead of "make it two pages long".
- Don't ask questions of the Writer module in first person.
Bad prompt: "What about microbiology first attracted you to this field?"
Instead use: "Include a section on what about microbiology attracted speaker A to the field"