Use Gallery to Curate a Selection of Uploads

Parmonic's Gallery feature takes your moment-based experience to the next level.   It's a great way to mix and match your uploads to appear in the same location however you see fit. 

Need a page that features all of the guest lecturers at last weeks big symposium?  Pop them in a gallery!  Want to compare the last four years worth of quarterly budget meetings?  Quickly create a gallery and you can see them side by side.  With a Gallery you can group uploads by year, event, location, color coordination... whatever.

And the best part is it's easy.  Here's how to provide a gallery grouping of Parmonic uploads on a single page using a single link or embed code:

Step 1. Find Galleries in your Avatar dropdown

Step 2. Add or edit an existing Gallery here

Step 3.  Select a title, description and specific Work Spaces to include

When creating a new gallery you'll be greeted with this pop-up.

Step 4.  If you'd like to remove individual uploads from a created gallery:

  1. Select that upload
  2. Here you may toggle whether to include this upload with the gallery or not.

Step 5.  Use Tags to make content easy to find in your gallery.

  1. Access tags in the settings section of an upload.   
  2. Add tags, separated by comma to classify your videos. 
  3. Clicking these tags in the gallery will show only uploads with those specific tags. 

Step 6.  Share your gallery page by either copying a simple link, or by copying an embed code.

And, just like that, you've got a stand-on-its-own collection of curated uploads!  Here's what the end user will see:

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