Automatic Tagging and Topic Identification

Tagging videos helps organize them based on high-level themes. But often this has to be done manually. If you have lots of untagged videos, the manual effort might be untenable.

Additionally, while tagging allows you to organize your videos based on your internal categorization structure, it does not help with search when you (or a viewer) is looking for information related to a topic that was covered in the video. That requires deeper analysis and indexing.

We have been working on automated tagging and topic identification to make video galleries (libraries) searchable so you can easily find topics and serve them in response to viewer needs or for content repurposing (or as idea starters).

If you have a lot of videos (in Parmonic or another archive), you can request automatic tagging and topic identification/analysis.

We've worked with a few customers on this and early lessons indicate that the more videos you have the more useful this capability is.

We will parse your videos and provide tags and topics. This capability will soon power the Gallery search feature that you can offer to your audience so they can easily search for a topic in your videos.

If your videos are already in Parmonic, there's no additional cost to request this while it's in beta. If your videos need to be imported from another system, please reach out to us to discuss if there will be an additional fee to import an archive.

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