Known Issue: Missing words

We are aware of an issue that impacts a small number of videos. A word might be highlighted in the transcript but is not part of the corresponding video moment. You might see the word highlighted in the transcript, you don't hear it in the video. This is the case of a missing word(s).

This issue happens when the timestamp of a word is not very precise, and that word is considered to be in the same time window as the word preceding or following it.

We use multiple transcription engines but this issue is unavoidable in some cases, especially if a speaker spoke a phrase quickly without enough pauses.

This is an industry-wide problem that every transcription engine and video company faces. We have developed special techniques to minimize this but it is unavoidable in some cases.


  • Use the timestamp editor to include the missing word(s). [How to edit]
  • In cases, where exclusion of a filler word caused this, highlight and include the filler word.
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