Creating a Title Card Template

Here's a quick guide on creating your own title card templates in Parmonic.

In PowerPoint,

  1. Create a new file with a single title slide.
  2. Use placeholder text --title--  and --subtitle--  where you want the title and subtitle to go.
  3. Make sure the title box can fit at least 140 characters, and that the subtitle box can fit 80 characters.
  4. Right-click on the title box → Size and position → Text Box → Shrink text on overflow.
  5. From the menu, File → Options → Save → check "Embed fonts in file" → select "Embed all characters".

In Parmonic,

  1. From the top-right menu, go to Assets → Title card templates.

  1. Click on the Upload tile, and upload the title-card template PowerPoint file.

Editing an existing title-card template

In Parmonic,

  1. From the top-right menu, go to Assets → Title card templates.
  2. Hover over the title-card template you wish to edit, and click on the download icon.

  1. Edit the file in PowerPoint, and upload the edited file to Parmonic.
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