Why are there no key moment recommendations for my upload?

Occasionally, a video file that you have uploaded may not get fully processed.

Each recording uploaded to Parmonic goes through various levels of processing, and in some cases your video might get stuck in a particular step. 

We have found that occasionally the encoder that has encoded the file (while creating the MP4) might have encoded it in a non-standard manner. It's also possible that video or audio quality issues led to a failure in one of the steps in our processing pipeline. In rare circumstances it could be a failure on part of an algorithm on our side that misclassified the video, and applied models that didn't meet the minimum thresholds for moment recommendations.

We have instituted a 'soft landing' policy so that in most cases if a failure is detected processing stops at that stage but you are still able to use the Highlighter to create key moments and export them instantly. 


If this happens to you, please get in touch with us via email or chat. We might ask you for the original file and re-encode it or perform additional troubleshooting steps for you. In 99.9% of cases we are able to reprocess a file.

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