Turn a video moment into a GIF

Make your emails attention-grabbers. Share your Video Moments with video-like gifs.

This new feature creates a GIF from a moment (or trailer) using the first few seconds of the video and adds subtitles on the GIF itself. It's the best thing since sliced bread (we mean sliced webinars). These GIFs look almost like a video but are GIFs so you can safely include them in emails.

In Parmonic, choose the webinar/video you want content from, click on Edit Moments or Trailer, and then go to Publish->Email.

In the left pane you will see all the moments listed. Click on the SEND MOMENT link next to the moment that you want to convert into a GIF.


A pop-up will appear giving you the ability to directly download a moving gif. 

(Note: if you choose Download thumbnail, it will download a static image to your computer).


The GIF will have the first few seconds from the video moment and will feel almost like a video when viewed in email. Our engine automatically adjusts the size and speed of frames, and adds a play button as well as the duration of the moment and prints the subtitles on the GIF.

Here is an example:

Static Thumbnail:

Animated GIF:

The human brain and eyes can't resist motion on the screen. Consumer brands have been using this tactic for a while. Now you can generate a video-like GIF in 2 clicks.

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