Copy YouTube Chapter Markers

If you are looking to upload your full-length webinar to YouTube, but would still like the ability for viewers to get to the content they need quickly and easily, we've come up with a solution!

YouTube Video Chapters break up a video into sections, each with an individual preview. Video chapters add info and context and let you rewatch different sections. Here's how:

1. Select a video from Parmonic's Home Page

In the Full Video Tab, select SOCIAL.
Note: Make sure you choose 'Full Video' and not 'Moments'
  1. Go to Full Video -> Social & Downloads and scroll down to view and copy YouTube Chapters

3. At the bottom of the screen you'll see YouTube Chapters.  Simply Copy (control/command + C) the timestamps and chapter titles here.4. Once signed in to YouTube, paste (command/control + V) the information into the video description box.
  1. Make sure that the first timestamp you list starts with 00:00. 
  2. Your video should have at least three timestamps listed in ascending order.
  3. The minimum length for video chapters is 10 seconds.


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